Viewing Sandhill Cranes in Lewellen, NE.
Immersive, never invasive
Your Stay
Due to the nature of the business and the unpredictable events involved with weather and animals, we at Dances of Cranes are not liable for any accidents or injuries in any of our activities.
Nebraska Revised Statute
Under Nebraska law, an owner of property, including lands and waters, is not liable for the injury to or death of the participant in agritourism activities or damage to the participant's property resulting from the inherent risks of such activities. Inherent risks include, without limitation, the risk of animals and land and water conditions, the ordinary dangers of structures or equipment ordinarily used in farming or ranching operations, and the potential for you or another participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your own injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in the agritourism activities for which you are entering the owner's premises.
scott helfrich photography
Viewing Season
March 1 through March 31 with 10 openings per day.
Please phone or text Meg for a fast response, to reserve your time: 1.308.778.7785
Staying overnight at the Lewellen Lodge is recommended as we meet up at the Lodge at 5:00 am from March 1st to March 9th. Due to the time change (spring forward) from March 10th to March 31st meet up time will be
6:00 am again, at the Lewellen Lodge.
Reservations for a room can be made by contacting Kimi (owner) at 1.308.672.0690.
Lewellen Lodge on Facebook.
For those staying the night, Iryna chef/owner of the Oregon Trail Corner Store is offering a lovely dinner for your evening. You can request a dinner while making your reservations with Meg and pick it up before 6pm. the day of your arrival. If you'd like to see the dinner menu, click this link.
Cash or check at morning rendezvous, forty dollars ($40.00) per person
We appreciate as much notice as possible.
Many visitors come to be near the Sandhill Cranes, to be part of their early morning conversations.
Some seek the opportunity to photograph these grand avians. We want to accommodate everyone, so
bear with us as this venture is evolving.
Photography is best from mid through late March, giving the cranes time to adjust to their surroundings.
For those whose primary goal is photography, we suggest reserving the blind exclusively. We offer exclusive reservation of the blind for up to three people. If this interests you, please contact us to discuss this option.
Sandhill Cranes feed and roost in different places from day to day, and year to year.
We will do our best, but can not guarantee where the cranes will decide to land.